Saturday, November 24, 2007

Michigan man Wins the "Idiot Of The Year Award !

Shooter says he mistook cow for coyote

Thu Nov 22, 7:26 PM ET

A man says he shot and killed a neighbor's cow after mistaking it for a coyote.
Authorities and the owner are skeptical.
The undersheriff in northern Michigan's Benzie County says he doesn't see how anyone could confuse a 1,400-pound, pregnant cow with a coyote, which typically weighs 20 to 45 pounds.
And anyway, shooting coyotes is illegal during deer-shooting season. Authorities asked the county prosecutor to bring charges.
The 42-year-old man told authorities he was out to shoot coyotes near his home Saturday when he killed the cow, Undersheriff Rory Heckman said. Heckman said the man then tried to drag the cow home.
"The part of his story he his holding to is he shot at a coyote. I don't know how he hit a several-thousand-pound cow mistaking it for a coyote," Heckman said.
The cow, named Hannah, had wandered away from her farm.
"My husband thought that he should go through some therapy looking at repeated pictures of cows and coyotes, because they look nothing alike," said owner DeAnn Mosher. "It didn't make any sense to me

Drum-Roll Please....I think we could All agree that this man should win the
"Idoit Of the Year Award.

NOTE: That goes to show you " Never Wear a Fur-Coat when in the state of Michigan ! "Big-Grins"

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Political Correctness And Communism

Political Correctness
( From the News )

Santas is warned 'ho ho ho' offensive to women.
Santas in Australia's largest city have been told not to use Father Christmas's traditional "ho ho ho" greeting, because it may be offensive to women, it was reported Thursday.
Sydney's Santa Clauses have instead been instructed to say "ha ha ha" instead, the Daily Telegraph reported.
One disgruntled Santa told the newspaper, a recruitment firm warned him not to use "ho ho ho" because it could frighten children and was too close to "ho", a US slang term for prostitute.
"Gimme a break," said Julie Gale, who runs the campaign against sexualising children called "Kids Free 2B Kids.
"We are talking about little kids who do not understand that "ho, ho, ho" has any other connotation and nor should they," she told the Telegraph.
"Leave Santa alone."
A local spokesman for the US-based Westaff recruitment firm said it was "misleading" to say the company had banned Santa's traditional greeting and it was being left up to the discretion of the individual Santa himself.
If you think about it, “Political Correctness” is in fact just Leftist bigotry. Bigotry is unfairly favoring one or more groups of people over others -- usually justified as "truth.

Political correctness is most pervasive in universities and colleges, but it has found its way into our Government too i.e. The Military, Police Forces and other government agency

Note: The Information below is a Copy from a Non-Political Correct Guy!

Does anyone know the origins of Political Correctness? Who originally developed it and what was its purpose?
I looked it up. It was developed at the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany, which was founded in 1923 and came to be known as the "Frankfurt School." It was a group of thinkers who pulled together to find a solution to the biggest problem facing the implementers of communism in Russia.
The problem? Why wasn't communism spreading?
Their answer? Because Western Civilization was in its way.
What was the problem with Western Civilization? Its belief in the individual, that an individual could develop valid ideas. At the root of communism was the theory that all valid ideas come from the effect of the social group of the masses. The individual is nothing.
And they believed that the only way for communism to advance, was to help (or force, if necessary) Western Civilization to destroy itself. How to do that? Undermine its foundations by chipping away at the rights of those annoying individuals.
One way to do that? Change their speech and thought patterns by spreading the idea that vocalizing your beliefs is disrespectful to others and must be avoided to make up for past inequities and injustices.
And call it something that sounds positive: "Political Correctness."
Inspired by the brand new communist technique, Mao, in the 1930s, wrote an article on the "correct" handling of contradictions among the people. "Sensitive training" – sound familiar? – And speech codes were born.
In 1935, after Hitler came to power, the Frankfurt School moved to New York City, where they continued their work by translating Marxism from economic to cultural terms using Sigmund Freud's psychological conditioning mechanisms, to get Americans to buy into Political Correctness. In 1941, they moved to California to spread their wings.
But Political Correctness remains just what it was intended to be: a sophisticated and dangerous form of censorship and oppression, imposed upon the citizenry with the ultimate goal of manipulating, brainwashing and destroying our society.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

How to Sink a U.S. Air Craft Carrier

As Adm. Gary Roughead, Commander of the US Pacific Fleet was in China holding talks with Chinese navy leaders, and Adm. William J. Fallon, Commander of US forces in the Pacific, who has engaged in an ambitious military exchange program with China.

Note. This means He was in China making deals to let some China Officers onto our U.S. Ships to see our NEW High Tech Weapons while we get to see some rusting Junk weapons, the China Navy no longer needs i.e. Things like Black powder ships cannons, homing pigeons, maybe even a Catapult or two.

Anyways, while this party was going on I mean Meeting, Up pops a submerged Chinese Song class attack submarine, within Weapons Range of one of our Air Craft Carrier , The U.S. Kitty Hawk

It was said The encounter was something of an embarrassment to Adm. William J. Fallon, Commander of US forces in the Pacific, as he was engaged in a military exchange program with China.

Now a Heads Up, I don’t know everything about U.S. Navy security, but I do know that you Never, but Never let an Enemy attack submarine get within Weapons Range of one of our Air Craft Carrier.

We have spent Billions of dollars on ship security to make sure this would Never Happen. Someone or Lots of Someone’s had to be sleeping at the switch OR under orders to Stand-Down

The Song-class attack submarine is normally equipped with wake-homing torpedoes and Anti ship cruise missiles. That’s more then enough to sink a ship "with the estimate 5000 personnel on board".

Apparently, as far as security for the ships are concerned The Commander of the US Pacific Fleet and The Commander of US forces in the Pacific is of the same “Caliber” as the Commander of Pearl Harbor, just before the Japanese Bombed our ships.

These two Idiots needs to be relived from duty as Commander’s of US Navy forces and put in charge of something that does not need so much Security and something they can handle. “Like the Mess Hall”
So Drum-Roll Please ..My Idiot Of the Year Award goes to

1. Adm. Gary Roughead, Commander of the US Pacific Fleet
2. Adm. William J. Fallon, Commander of US forces in the Pacific

Sunday, November 11, 2007

U.S. Supreme Court Could Hear Gun Case

The Supreme Court justices are facing a decision about whether to hear an appeal from city officials in Washington, D.C., wanting to keep the capital's 31-year ban on handguns.
The prospect that the high court might define gun rights under the Constitution is making people on both sides of the issue nervous.
The main issue before the justices is whether the Second Amendment protects an individuals right to own guns or instead spells out the collective right of states to maintain militias.
What this all means is Gun Ownership may be coming to a "Head".
If the U.S Supreme Court rules against the Individuals right to own guns, you can just Kiss your gun-rights "Good-Bye"
The Question that you need to ask yourself is" If we would not give-up our guns to a "Foreign Government " would we be willing to give-up our guns to the U.S. Government, because a Non-Elected Court tells you to! That is the Big Question of the day "or maybe the question of our life-time!
Normally I post an "Enemy Within Award ( by using my own option ) but this time I'm hoping Not to give one to the U.S. Supreme Court

Saturday, November 10, 2007

A New Enemy Within Award

Who to Vote For, that is the Question!

The one person I know I would "NEVER" vote for, would be Senator Hillary Rodham .
Besides not trusting her or her husband, the big Hot-Potato in this race ( As least for people that enjoys their Freedom ) is the Gun Control Ban that is sure to come, if we put her in the white House as President ! I will never willingly vote for ANY Person that pushes taking our Freedoms away, by using Gun Control.
With her stand on Gun Control, Senator Clinton earns the
Enemy within Award !

My NEW Enemy Within Award Goes to The Two Traitors Listed

November 9, 2007
Military Jury Acquits Army Sniper of Premeditated Murder in Killings of 3 Iraqis
The leader of an Army sniper unit was acquitted yesterday of premeditated murder charges in connection with the killings of three Iraqi men in a region south of Baghdad last spring.
A military jury found the soldier, Staff Sgt. Michael A. Hensley, 27, of the First Battalion, 501st Infantry Regiment, Fourth Brigade (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division, not guilty of murder in the three killings on separate occasions in April and May near Iskandariya.
He was found guilty of wrongfully placing an AK-47 rifle with the remains of one of the three men and of showing disrespect for a superior officer.
The verdict was handed down late yesterday evening at Camp Liberty, Iraq, the sprawling American military base where the court-martial of Sergeant Hensley, of Candler, N.C., was held. Neither Sergeant Hensley nor his parents, Christian missionaries who had returned from Macedonia this year to support their son, could be immediately reached for comment.
In an e-mail interview last month, Sergeant Hensley, an Army Ranger who was brought into the sniper unit to train other soldiers to become more deadly, said he felt bitter toward First Battalion’s two senior leaders for making him “the fall guy” for tactics they had encouraged.
“I felt betrayed by my battalion commander and command sergeant major,” he said, referring to Lt. Col. Robert Balcavage and Command Sgt. Maj. Bernie Knight, respectively. “Every last man we killed was a confirmed terrorist. We were praised when bad guys died. We were upbraided when bad guys did not die.”
Colonel Balcavage and Sergeant Major Knight could not be reached for comment.

NOTE : My Take ( And MY Option ) on this Story is " Colonel Balcavage and Sergeant Major Knight should be Relived From Duty as Traitors to the Men of their unit, Traitors to the US Army and as Traitors to their Country
At Any other time in our Country’s History, they would have been drummed Out of the U.S. Army for putting their men on Trail for shooting the Enemy