Sunday, November 11, 2007

U.S. Supreme Court Could Hear Gun Case

The Supreme Court justices are facing a decision about whether to hear an appeal from city officials in Washington, D.C., wanting to keep the capital's 31-year ban on handguns.
The prospect that the high court might define gun rights under the Constitution is making people on both sides of the issue nervous.
The main issue before the justices is whether the Second Amendment protects an individuals right to own guns or instead spells out the collective right of states to maintain militias.
What this all means is Gun Ownership may be coming to a "Head".
If the U.S Supreme Court rules against the Individuals right to own guns, you can just Kiss your gun-rights "Good-Bye"
The Question that you need to ask yourself is" If we would not give-up our guns to a "Foreign Government " would we be willing to give-up our guns to the U.S. Government, because a Non-Elected Court tells you to! That is the Big Question of the day "or maybe the question of our life-time!
Normally I post an "Enemy Within Award ( by using my own option ) but this time I'm hoping Not to give one to the U.S. Supreme Court

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