Tuesday, November 13, 2007

How to Sink a U.S. Air Craft Carrier

As Adm. Gary Roughead, Commander of the US Pacific Fleet was in China holding talks with Chinese navy leaders, and Adm. William J. Fallon, Commander of US forces in the Pacific, who has engaged in an ambitious military exchange program with China.

Note. This means He was in China making deals to let some China Officers onto our U.S. Ships to see our NEW High Tech Weapons while we get to see some rusting Junk weapons, the China Navy no longer needs i.e. Things like Black powder ships cannons, homing pigeons, maybe even a Catapult or two.

Anyways, while this party was going on I mean Meeting, Up pops a submerged Chinese Song class attack submarine, within Weapons Range of one of our Air Craft Carrier , The U.S. Kitty Hawk

It was said The encounter was something of an embarrassment to Adm. William J. Fallon, Commander of US forces in the Pacific, as he was engaged in a military exchange program with China.

Now a Heads Up, I don’t know everything about U.S. Navy security, but I do know that you Never, but Never let an Enemy attack submarine get within Weapons Range of one of our Air Craft Carrier.

We have spent Billions of dollars on ship security to make sure this would Never Happen. Someone or Lots of Someone’s had to be sleeping at the switch OR under orders to Stand-Down

The Song-class attack submarine is normally equipped with wake-homing torpedoes and Anti ship cruise missiles. That’s more then enough to sink a ship "with the estimate 5000 personnel on board".

Apparently, as far as security for the ships are concerned The Commander of the US Pacific Fleet and The Commander of US forces in the Pacific is of the same “Caliber” as the Commander of Pearl Harbor, just before the Japanese Bombed our ships.

These two Idiots needs to be relived from duty as Commander’s of US Navy forces and put in charge of something that does not need so much Security and something they can handle. “Like the Mess Hall”
So Drum-Roll Please ..My Idiot Of the Year Award goes to

1. Adm. Gary Roughead, Commander of the US Pacific Fleet
2. Adm. William J. Fallon, Commander of US forces in the Pacific

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