Saturday, November 10, 2007

A New Enemy Within Award

Who to Vote For, that is the Question!

The one person I know I would "NEVER" vote for, would be Senator Hillary Rodham .
Besides not trusting her or her husband, the big Hot-Potato in this race ( As least for people that enjoys their Freedom ) is the Gun Control Ban that is sure to come, if we put her in the white House as President ! I will never willingly vote for ANY Person that pushes taking our Freedoms away, by using Gun Control.
With her stand on Gun Control, Senator Clinton earns the
Enemy within Award !


Mauser*Girl said...

Trueman (my better half) was in the Army Honor Guard and working at the White House when the Clintons were in office. The things he can say about Hillary are astounding.

She once said that there is no legitimate need for any guns. It was something to the effect of, in this day and age, we need no guns to put food on the table because there are grocery stores at every corner. There's no need for guns for defense if people trusted in the police to defend them. And shooting sports are no reason because they're not legitimate sports.

Looking for The Enemy Within said...

Yep, if they get back into the WhiteHouse, you can bet the Farm that ALL States will have Fed. Gun Control laws, just like the California Gun Laws or worse ! What your (better half) told you about the Clinton are true. One of the guys I know, worked in the Whitehouse when the Clinton's were in office and he told me things really close to what your (better half said).